
Inspirational Quote

No matter what you do in life, some people will not cherish your vision and most will try to pull you down. Do not give up on your purpose in life. Choose your friends wisely. Nobody ever said your friendship is supposed to last a lifetime. Keep the friends who value your vision and let go of those who do …

Inspirational Quote

Remember you are the apple of God’s eye. Do not be discouraged by what the report says about you or how others feel about you. You are meant for success and victory. Just trust God to lead the way for you.   Written by Tessy

Inspirational Quotes

No matter your circumstances or what you are going through in life, always be encouraged that God has a timeline for everything. All your hardships, defeat, sadness, and sorrow will pass away and you will be highly favored and blessed if you stay faithful.   Written by Tessy

Inspirational Quotes

Do not be surrounded by people who you are smarter than. Try to be in a circle of friends who are on the same level with your talent and what you have to offer. Your vision is impacted positively or negatively by the people with who you associate yourself.   Written by Tessy

Inspirational Quote

When hardship comes your way, do not be discouraged or feel defeated. Hardships are part of God’s plan to strengthen you for a greater destiny. The hurdles in front of you are there to prepare you and to take ordinary people like you to extraordinary destiny. There is always hope in front of you, keep the good fight of faith …

Inspirational Quote

“Even when you do not see it, God is working on your behalf. God never stops working and never stops looking out for you, just trust his timing. Be resilient in life, faithful and fear nothing, and trust God with your battles”.   Written by Tessy

Inspirational Quote

God did not give you life for you to be let down, defeated, beaten, broken, afraid, forgotten, and miserable. God created you in his image and likeness. Therefore you are resilient, unstoppable, and strong enough to live life to the fullest. Your hardship today is preparing you for an extraordinary destiny in front of you. Count your blessings even if …

Inspirational Quote

When God says yes concerning your life, nobody can say no. No door can be closed against you except God permits it. Do not be deceived and misguided that your achievements and success are the works of your hands. Your footsteps are directed by God for you to achieve success. Remember, God, placed the right people in front of you, …

Inspirational Quote

Strive to make a positive impact and be a role model in people’s life. Be mindful and respectful of others’ opinions, emotions, and passion in life. Remember that people react differently to a particular situation. Try not to hurt someone’s feelings based on a particular decision. People will forget what you said and what you did regarding them, but they …

Inspirational Quote

Friendship is a choice. How people treat you matters so much and how you react says a lot about you. Choose your battles and your priorities in life and treat people with respect and not disdain because how you treat others today might come back to haunt you tomorrow. Endeavor t make the right choice even if it hurts.   …